A Moment of a Lifetime
After some difficulties and a short financial bottleneck, PAPA 2019 sent us three ladies from Germany who looked at our small ministry and a good part of our foundation we have been able to open our kindergarten with 36 children. What
a joy….
Unfortunately 3 weeks later we had to close the Kiga again due to the strict
lockdown measures of the Ugandan government. This lockdown was only interrupted for 6 weeks and lasted for 2 years until the beginning of 2022. In order to save the children the two lost years as much as possible, who had also grown older in the meantime, we opened a preschool instead of the kindergarten, so that the children can go to elementary school after just one year.
Due to the great success after now almost 2 terms (thirds of the year), we have decided to continue to offer only a preschool for children aged 4-6 years. Those who are not yet ready for elementary school may repeat the year. After 2 terms, the children have already learned a lot of social behavior and of course have internalized the kindergarten curriculum very well. They also learn a bit of field work and housework, so that they will always have something to eat later, even in bad times. This is a very good part of the Ugandan curriculum. We are very happy and grateful that our Heavenly Father has sent us so many loving and merciful people as donors. Thanks to all for prayers, for good advice, for
donations in kind and money.
Below: the construction workers building the kindergarten

For better health we have started 2 projects.
1. the children brush their teeth 2 times a day, once before class and once after
2. three times a week, each child (and of course the teachers and other staff members) receives a cup of
other staff) a cup of Artemisia tea for prophylaxis against malaria. Since
Since then, our children are no longer sick. This is a blessing, because the malaria medicines
are strong and can also damage the liver, especially in children.
3. due to generous donations we were able to build a playground for our children.
for our children. Yay